August was a busy month. For the first week I was on a family holiday in Lake Garda, Italy where I managed to get some decent training in, the training highlight being a 100 mile lap of the lake. During this ride was a 1 hour power test up punta veleno, which was very tough in the heat.
I was then back home for a week, completing two 10 mile bike TTs on the road bike, which was good fun. After that I was off to Budapest to watch the World Athletics Championships with some friends. There was some good running in Budapest but again the highlight was a long ride, meeting up with some fellow triathletes who were in Hungary for the summer.
There was only one triathlon in August but it was definitely an interesting one; the Eton Eliminator.
A format loosely based on the super league triathlons, there was a swim bike run heat in the morning and then in the afternoon there were 3 finals: a swim bike run, run bike swim, and bike swim run. The bike swim transitions were a novelty and it was great fun diving off the pontoon. In terms of results it wasn't my best race but I was happy with the effort I put in and there was plenty of positives to take from it.
I also got my A-level results in August which I was very pleased with, meaning I'm off to Bath in September and will be training with the team there.